College Board provides access to AP scores on their official website at (or or On your region's assigned date and time, you can log into the AP scores website and check your scores. The scores website may be overloaded from the hundreds of thousands of other students, so be patient!
Score access is based on where you are that day, not where you live or where you took the test (for example, if you live in Los Angeles, but you are visiting Houston for the first week of July, you will be able to view your scores on July 5th, Texas's assigned score release day). Each day, another section of the USA gets access to 2019 AP scores at 8AM Eastern Time (so 7AM CT, 6AM MT, 5AM PT, 12PM UTC, etc.). An interactive map of the release schedule is located further down this page.
You will need a College Board account to access your scores. Here are some tips to make sure your scores and score access will not be delayed:
- Try logging into your account on the official website before July, to make sure everything is in order. Last year, some people didn't do this and discovered problems with their accounts on the score release day!
- If you don't have an account, sign up on the official website before July. The system tends to get overloaded as the score release day approaches.
- Make sure you've filled out all your information on the AP website. If you have your AP number and/or student ID number, fill those fields out. If you don't, visit the AP help page. If you're unable to fill this form out, don't stress! College Board can still match your name, birthday, SSN, and other information!
- Don't stress! The hard part -- studying for and taking the AP tests -- is over! Also, it's not the end of the world if your score is lower than expected -- colleges care less about your AP scores than you think.
"How do I send my scores to XYZ College?"
There was an option on your AP Scantron to send a free score report. If you didn't use that, you can still pay to send your AP score reports to colleges on the CollegeBoard website. The score report will contain all your AP scores from the past 4 years.
If you're not sure if you sent a score report to a college, you can go to the past score orders page to view them. Note that this page may not be updated until July
From June 14 to July 1, CollegeBoard will not process score report orders, but orders during that time automatically upgraded to rush delivery. Your college will take 1-2 weeks to receive the score report, so plan with that in mind.
For more information, consult the official AP score reporting website.
"I don't live in/will not be in Southeast USA, but I still want to get my scores on July 5th. How?"
Let me preface this by saying that the internet is a vast and dangerous place. When asking this question, please consider its security and privacy implications, and decide if the convenience is worth it.
The Normal Method
By far the safest method, but somewhat frustrating
Just do it the way College Board intended! This is the safest way, since you're sending your password directly to College Board. Plus, do you really need to see your scores a day early?
How: on your region's scheduled day, log into the official website and check your scores.
The VPN/Proxy Method
Mostly safe, but inconvenient and potentially dangerous
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) or Proxy Server basically routes your web browsing through the VPN/proxy server, which has the side effect of making College Board think you are located where the server is. So if you find a VPN server in Florida, College Board thinks you're in Florida!
There are a lot of free VPN apps and public proxies around the internet and mobile app stores. VPNs with a lot of good reviews and expert recommendations are generally safe. Public proxies, however, are usually less safe. Bad VPNs and proxies can still hijack HTTPS connections by installing malicious HTTPS/SSL certificates on your device. This would allow them to steal your passwords and/or install viruses and malware on your computer. Follow standard internet safety practices when downloading these!
How: find a VPN/proxy server located in Southeast USA (consult the map below). On your region's scheduled day, connect to the VPN/proxy server (ask the provider for instructions). Then, log into the official website and check your scores. Don't forget to disconnect from the server when you're done!
The Score Access Website Method
The easiest method, but somewhat risky
Use an early score access site! This method basically tricks CollegeBoard into thinking you're in Texas or another state with a July 5th release date. However, you should only resort to this method if you can't use any of the other options.
Of course, entering your password into a third-party website poses a security risk -- what if the website owner steals your password? Being a student myself, I didn't trust other websites either -- so I made one I could trust. If you do not trust this site (or any other site), nobody is forcing you to, and good job maintaining your own sense of security. However, here are a few reassurances about this website:
- Your password is not stored. Your username is not logged. The only thing that happens is your credentials are sent to, and your scores are sent back to you. I've detailed the procedure on the How It Works section
- I've put the code for this site on GitHub. Anyone is free to review the code and see that nothing suspicious is happening.
- This website has your best interests at heart. Many of the other early score websites don't even discuss alternatives and risks -- some of them just have a password field, a little bullshit about security, and no explanation whatsoever. I'm a student too. I've seen people get screwed over by malware from fake VPNs. I've seen people desperately enter their passwords on shady websites without thinking of the potential consequences. This website was made for them.
How: on July 5th, 8AM ET, come back to this website ( Log in and check your scores.